CYIA Winter Retreat
Why should you attend?
Grow in your walk with Christ!
The Winter Retreat is a great place to grow deeper in your relationship with Christ through chapel sessions, personal devotion times, cabin discussions, and fellowship with other believers.
Make new friendships!
There are plenty of times to connect with other teenagers from all across the state. Through cabin times, games, and free time you will have the chance to make friendships that could last a lifetime.
Learn more about CYIA!
At the Winter Retreat, you will also learn all about the Christian Youth in Action program. There will be several sessions where you get to hear from past summer missionaries, staff members, and videos to see what this program is all about.
Enjoy Winter Activities!
There is plenty to do at Camp Fairwood in the winter. You will be able to go tubing, play broomball, hike in the snow, or enjoy indoor activities like board games, ping pong, carpetball, and more.
The Details
The Winter Retreat takes place at Camp Fairwood- W7905 S Pleasant Rd Westfield, WI 53964
Dates & Times
The retreat starts at 4:45 pm on Friday, February 7th, and ends at 11:30 am on Sunday, February 9th
The retreat costs $125 if you register by January 25th, after that the price goes up to $135.
Contact us to hear about available discounts, or if financial assistance is needed.
Who Can Attend
This retreat is for anyone ages 13 and older who wants to learn more about the CYIA program
You can register at
The registration deadline is February 1st